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Although I’ve lived with mental illness my whole life, I am not a medical professional. If you need help finding a mental health care provider, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit BetterHelp to talk to a certified therapist online at an affordable price. This post contains affiliate links. You can read my full disclaimer.
People say that gossip magazines are their guilty pleasure. I say there’s a much deeper issue here.
When I lived with my mom, it seemed like all she did was buy and read gossip magazines. She would literally lay on the couch and read them cover to cover. While watching celebrity news on TV.
I was never someone to read gossip magazines. I mainly just looked at the pictures, read a couple of sentences here and there, and became completely disgusted by them.
Here are 5 reasons I think you should stop reading gossip magazines if you want to have better mental health.
Why Gossip Magazine Are Bad For Your Mental Health
Yes, it’s your money, and you can spend it however you want. But if you buy one or more magazines every week, it really adds up.
That money could be used for many more things, like buying that new pair of shoes you always wanted or saving up for your dream vacation.
And just think. In a day, it’ll be old news anyway.
Just because these people are celebrities doesn’t mean they’re not real people too. All it means is they have a different job than most of us.
I’ve seen sections in magazines that say, “Stars are just like us!” Then there are pictures just showing them pumping their own gas or holding their own umbrella. I’m like…really?
They breathe the same air as us. Who really cares if someone actually wore something from their closet more than once?
Gossip magazines usually give out stupid advice for women on how to land the guy of our dreams. We’re taught how to dress, how to act, even how to take a shit like a lady.
And once we catch that man of our dreams, we learn how to keep him, how to act around his friends, how to be the perfect woman so he will propose.
Women shouldn’t have to dress a certain way to make a guy fall for us. And no, women shouldn’t have to act a certain way for her boyfriend to take her on a romantic getaway so he’ll propose on a beach, under the stars.
Relationships take a lot of hard work and compromise to work. No amount of tricking the other person into doing something, or pretending to be someone you’re not, will make the relationship last. That’s not love. That’s just a terrible outlook and false identity of love.
Not only are women supposed to act, dress, and be a certain way, it seems like women are always being pinned against other women.
And that stupid column, “Who wore it better?” Jeezus. Who cares if two different women wore the same dress and styled it differently? Individuality should be praised, not looked down upon.
As women, we need to lift each other up. We need to give each other compliments and actually mean it.
Gossip magazines. They are just that…gossip. So many of the stories you read don’t even hold an ounce of truth.
Still, people somehow gain pleasure by spreading these rumors around. And maybe even worse, consumers help solidify these rumors, because they’re helping support these unhealthy businesses. These magazine companies wouldn’t keep publishing so many stories like these if they weren’t making a profit.
And when you struggle with poor mental health, your mind is already most likely feeding you lies. I wouldn’t want to set myself up to believe even more lies by comparing myself to celebrities.
I wholeheartedly believe that gossip magazines promote an unhealthy image of beauty.
No matter what gossip magazine I’ve ever read before, there were always comments about someone’s weight. So and so gained all the weight back that they just lost? They’re fat and lazy. This person is too thin? Oh, they must have an eating disorder.
And if someone gets plastic surgery to fix one of these body images “issues” they’ve been ridiculed for having, then they are a freak who doesn’t know what self-love is. Nobody can win.
Weight doesn’t equal health. Pant size doesn’t determine how attractive someone is. Hairstyle, skin color, tattoos, piercing, clothing style. None of that freaking matters.
We need to start embracing what makes us unique. What makes us who we are. We should worry more about what type of person we are over what type of body we have.
Related posts:
- 5 Reasons Why You Should Stay Off Social Media
- Why You Should Stop Watching the News for Better Mental Health
- 6 Ways to Practice Being Your Most Authentic Self
Do you read gossip magazines? Why or why not?
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Better Help is the largest online counseling platform worldwide. It makes professional counseling available anytime, anywhere, through a computer, tablet or smartphone.
In the Resilient Big Bundle, you’ll get 6 amazing personal development products, such as 30 Day Negativity Detox and Figure Out Your Life. All of these together would cost over $120 if you purchased them separately, but you’ll get a big discount if you get the whole bundle.
Blessing Manifesting sells a bunch of digital products focusing on self-love and personal development. You can either buy them in a digital version or physical copy.
Dreams into Reality eBook covers different topics of personal development to improve your mindset and your life. It will help you overcome anxiety, limiting beliefs, fears, and become a much happier and more positive person.
Social Anxiety to Social Success is an eBook Kel from Anxious Lass created. I’ve read countless ways to recover from social anxiety, and I still found new, important information in her book. The best part is it’s written in a warm and relatable way.
When I was first diagnosed with OCD, The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD was the book I turned to. It covers several different types of OCD ranging from checking to relationship OCD (which is what I have). Its approach is cognitive behavioral therapy based, but it’s written in a very compassionate and warm way that makes you feel more at ease.