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Root Chakra Crystals
Using the healing properties of root chakra crystals can dramatically improve your self-worth, feeling of safety, and sense of security.
Neglect, abuse, and trauma can all significantly alter how healthy your root chakra is.
This post features 21 of the best crystals to help you balance, open, and heal your root chakra.
What is the root chakra?
The root chakra (Muladhara) is the foundation of all your chakras — as well as your life.
More specifically, the root chakra is the first of all seven main chakras.
If you think of yourself as a tree, you’ll understand that without roots, you can’t nourish yourself, grow, and thrive.
The root chakra makes up your feelings of security and your basic survival needs.
The root chakra rules:
⭐ Food
⭐ Shelter
⭐ Clothing
⭐ Rest
⭐ Money
⭐ Procreation
This means, with the root chakra, you’ll learn to be grounded, stable, and how to protect yourself.
Trauma (especially from childhood) can really throw your root chakra out of balance.
Therapy can be a key factor in being able to work through this trauma and help open your root chakra.
Signs of imbalanced root chakra:
💔 Feeling disconnected
💔 Lack of motivation
💔 Impatience
💔 Having anger and a short temper
💔 Feeling stuck
💔 Greediness
💔 Back pain
💔 Arthritis
💔 Trouble sleeping
💔 Clumsiness
👉 Another way to balance your root chakra is to speak these 101 Transformative Root Chakra Affirmations.
Why use crystals for the root chakra?
Spirituality has drastically improved my life — especially my inner child healing journey — in so many ways that I never thought were possible.
Crystals are a big part of that.
I like to think of crystals as bringing nature inside.
When you’re out in nature, the sun, the rain, the clouds, the grass, the trees, rivers, lakes, and oceans…they all help ground us and make us feel connected to the earth.
Bringing crystals indoors helps bring these healing properties into your environment and surround you with their benefits.
How to Use Crystals:
Depending on your situation and which method you prefer, crystals can be used for emotional healing in so many different ways. ⤵️
⭐ Surrounding Space: Place them around your home, especially on nightstands, window sills, desks, and by electronics. Put them in your pillowcase while you sleep.
⭐ On Your Body: Carry them around with you in your pocket or purse. Wear them as a necklace or bracelet.
⭐ Meditate: Hold them during meditation or hold them when you feel anxious, stressed, or sad.
The main thing to note is to use crystals with intention.
Crystals work best at healing your root chakra when you use them with purpose.
And speaking of healing, have you downloaded your free inner child healing workbook yet? 👇
21 Healing Crystals for the Root Chakra
Please note: Although crystals have been used to treat the body, mind, and spirit, crystal healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine or therapy.
One crystal most associated with the root chakra is Bloodstone, which is perfect for protection and grounding.
It helps remove any mental and emotional blockages that are standing in the way of your inner child healing journey.
Plus, when you need a boost of mental clarity, Bloodstone can also offer some much-needed guidance.
Red Jasper is a fantastic crystal for invoking courage, strength, and wisdom.
Healing your blocked root chakra can bring up lots of painful memories, especially any childhood abuse and neglect.
Red Jasper can encourage you to find nonconventional ways to heal from your trauma, such as these.
Ways to help heal from trauma:
Black Tourmaline helps get rid of any negativities associated with trauma and emotional turmoil.
Because of this, Black Tourmaline is a fantastic crystal for overcoming negative thoughts, healing trauma, worries, anger, and feelings of worthlessness.
Black Tourmaline is also helpful in overcoming substance abuse or self-harm tendencies.
When you’re lacking self-confidence or need to become more grounded, reach for Hematite.
This root chakra crystal is an incredibly beautiful stone rich in silvery goodness when it’s tumbled.
Hematite is a workhorse for absorbing negative energies, so remember to cleanse it on a regular basis.
Hands down, Smoky Quartz is one of my favorite stones for emotional healing (that’s vital for balancing the root chakra).
This gemstone is grounding and helps bring stabilizing and centering energies.
Smoky Quartz will help you overcome stress, fear, jealousy, anger, and trauma.
More on childhood trauma:
Whether good or bad, Garnet allows you to see people for who they really are.
With this decadent stone, you’ll be able to gain perspective and increase the feelings of security in your life.
This means, if you’re in a toxic relationship, Garnet can help you see your worth and build up the courage to leave.
When you hear the word petrified, you might instantly think of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Well, have you heard about Petrified Wood?
This healing stone is thought to carry the patience, wisdom, and grounding energy of the earth, which is fantastic for balancing the root chakra.
8. JET
Did you know that Jet is a mineral formed from fossilized wood?
And do you know what trees and the first chakra have in common? Roots.
That being said, Jet roots you down to the grounding energy of the earth — while balancing and protecting you.
Shungite is known for protecting against electromagnetic field (EMF) energies, but it can also be used to clear any dysfunctional patterns.
A blocked root chakra typically causes a lot of harmful and dysfunctional patterns, and using Shungite can help neutralize these behaviors.
If you’re feeling particularly stressed, Shungite is also said to block the production of stress hormones.
Because Lava Stone contains the power of fire and volcanoes, it works at reigniting the passion of your spirit.
This crystal also helps spark any hidden energy buried deep within yourself, burning to get out.
You can even use Lava Stone as your guiding spirit, because of its connection to the elements of the earth.
Black Obsidian is another root chakra stone formed by lava.
This means, this gemstone carries the protection and grounding energies of Earth.
If you want to get rid of all the negativity circulating in your environment and auric field, look no further than Black Obsidian.
Mahogany Obsidian’s main goal is skyrocketing personal growth.
When using this red and black stone, you’ll be able to release any limiting beliefs that inhibit you on your life journey.
With Mahogany Obsidian, negative energies will have a hard time getting past your aura’s shield.
When your root chakra is blocked, you might have a difficult time moving forward from the past.
Good news: new beginnings will easily come to you with the help of Red Tiger Eye.
Plus, finding and connecting with your inner strength comes much more naturally.
Black Kyanite is one of the most powerfully protective root chakra crystals out there.
With the help of this texturized crystal, your beautiful aura is nearly untouchable.
When you’re headed into a stressful situation, make sure you carry some Black Kyanite with you.
15. ONYX
If your root chakra is imbalanced, you might be experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety.
Onyx is a wonderful stone for bringing calming and protective energies.
Carry or wear this powerful stone with you to help ward off these intense feelings.
Red Carnelian can help push you into choosing therapy, self-help books, and other tools to heal your root chakra.
This is a very motivating crystal that works at bringing all the aspects of yourself into alignment.
Specifically, Red Carnelian helps you overcome parts of your upbringing that might be holding you back.
17. RUBY
No root chakra crystals post would be complete without mentioning Ruby.
When you feel like you lack inner strength in your daily life, reach for this red stone.
Ruby inspires you to dig deep to change your life with its courageous vibrations.
Lepidolite is a fantastic stone for balancing out depression and anxiety.
Rich in beautiful purple hues, this root chakra crystal provides a gentle energy.
When you’re ready to connect with your emotional body, reach for Lepidolite.
Your blocked root chakra can make it nearly impossible to see your self-worth.
Bronzite instills the courage deep inside you to stand up for yourself.
With the help of Bronzite, you’ll finally be able to stick up for your wants, needs, and soul’s desires.
If you’re looking to ground yourself with Earth’s energies, grab yourself some Galena.
This silvery crystal encourages you on the path of self-transformation and root chakra healing.
When you’re needing to recharge your internal battery, have some Galena close by.
With its stunning gold flecks, Red Goldstone can help aid in self-confidence and ambition.
You’ll be reminded to look inside when you need a motivational boost for personal growth.
And when you’re stuck in inner turmoil, Red Goldstone reminds you to keep on going.
Caring For Your Root Chakra Crystals
All the negatives that are released from your body or environment are absorbed into the crystals.
This means, to keep your crystals in their optimum form, it’s important to cleanse and charge your crystals on a regular basis.
(I usually do this at least every new and full moon.)
🧹 Soak in water (some crystals will disintegrate in water)
🧹 Smoke cleansing
🧹 Bury them in the earth, soil, or clay
🧹 Sound frequencies
You can also cleanse your crystals in the same ways I cleanse my tarot decks.
⚡ Place in sunlight
⚡ Place in moonlight
⚡ Meditate
You can learn more about cleansing and charging your crystals in Crystals for Beginners.
Here’s a recap of the best crystals for the root chakra:
⭐ Bloodstone
⭐ Red Jasper
⭐ Black Tourmaline
⭐ Hematite
⭐ Smoky Quartz
⭐ Garnet
⭐ Jet
⭐ Petrified Wood
⭐ Lava Stone
⭐ Shungite
⭐ Black Obsidian
⭐ Mahogany Obsidian
⭐ Red Tigers Eye
⭐ Black Kyanite
⭐ Onyx
⭐ Red Carnelian
⭐ Ruby
⭐ Lepidolite
⭐ Bronzite
⭐ Galena
⭐ Red Goldstone
Which crystals for healing your root chakra are you most eager to try?
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More crystal posts:
- 21 Sacral Chakra Crystals (to Balance Emotions & Spark Creativity)
- 21 Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals (to Boost Self-Confidence & Your Drive)
- 21 Heart Chakra Crystals (for Building Empathy and Trust)
- 21 Throat Chakra Crystals (for Better Communication & Self-Expression)
- 21 Third Eye Chakra Crystals (for Elevating Intuition & Psychic Abilities)
- 21 Crown Chakra Crystals (for Heightened Spirituality and Consciousness)
- 17 Magical Crystals for Healing Childhood Trauma (and Emotional Pain)
- 12 Powerful Crystals for Self-Love and Confidence
- 10 Healing Crystals for Soothing Depression Symptoms
- 10 Powerful Healing Crystals for Anxiety Attacks
More childhood trauma posts:
- 101 Healing Inner Child Affirmations (to Reparent Yourself)
- 107 Toxic Parents Quotes (When Mother and Father Are Abusive AF)
- 40 Child Abuse Songs (When You Had a Bad Childhood)
- 70 Healing Inner Child Quotes (to Help Overcome Childhood Trauma)
- 13 Nostalgic Activities to Reconnect with Your Inner Child
- 21 Powerful Inner Child Healing Meditations (Guided and Unguided)
- 23 Heartbreaking Movies About Childhood Trauma (That are Therapeutic)
- 13 Inner Child Healing Exercises (for Your Wounded Younger Self)
Is Your Childhood Trauma Negatively Impacting You?
Talking to a therapist might help you break through healing your childhood trauma.
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- Live video, voice, or text chat session with your therapist
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