101 Enlightening Crown Chakra Affirmations (for Increasing Spirituality & Connection)

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Crown Chakra Affirmations

Activating your crown chakra by speaking positive affirmations is an enlightening way to feel more connected to yourself, people, and the universe

The 101 crown affirmations featured in this post are incredibly spiritual and magical.

When you add these healing phrases to your everyday life, you can truly start to understand your life purpose.


Chakra work has been pivotal in my inner child healing journey.

Trauma (especially from childhood) can really throw your chakras out of balance.

Therapy can be a key factor in being able to work through this trauma and help open your chakras.

When you’re struggling with childhood trauma, it might be helpful to talk to an online therapist. I always recommend Online Therapy, because it’s a complete online counseling toolkit, and you can get incredible therapy from the comfort of your own home. Get 20% off your first month.


While there are many chakra systems, I mainly use the Western Chakra System that’s comprised of seven chakras.

An infographic of the 7 main chakras. On the left is says the names of the chakras. On the right, it describes them.

By this definition, chakras are a network of seven major energy centers arranged vertically along the core of your body.

These spinning wheels of energy correspond to major organs, bundles of nerves, and other areas of our body that affect us emotionally and physically.

When our chakras are “open” and aligned, we can live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Speaking of living a more fulfilling life, have you downloaded your free inner child healing workbook yet?  👇


Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra (Sahasrara) is the seventh chakra, which deals with all things inner knowing, openmindedness, and feeling connected to the universe.

The crown chakra rules:

⭐ Consciousness
⭐ Spirituality
⭐ Sense of humanity
⭐ Feeling connected
⭐ Life energy

Additionally, working on your crown chakra can help you feel connected to people and their struggles.


💔 Fear
💔 Depression
💔 Close-mindedness
💔 Stubbornism
💔 Skepticism
💔 Feeling like you have no purpose
💔 Difficulty meditating
💔 Boredom

How are your chakras?

You can find out where you’re currently at in your chakra journey by taking this short quiz here.

Now that you know how closed your chakras, it’s time to discover 101 affirmations created for activating your crown chakra.

101 Affirmations for Crown Chakra

1. The universe completely has my back.

2. I am one with the divine light.

3. I am a part of all creation.

4. Every day, I am filled with awe at how everything connects.

5. I am connected to my ancestors and my guides.

6. I invite divine energy to flow to and through me.

7. I am an extension of the universe.

8. With each breath, I embrace my wholeness.

9. I am a wealth of knowledge.

10. I am filled with higher power.

11. I am full of pure life force.

12. The universe powerfully runs through my bloodstream.

13. I was made to be here.

14. I am a complete and whole being.

15. Every day, I experience unfathomable clarity.

16. I easily know things off the top of my head.

17. I proudly listen to the wisdom of the universe.

18. I honor the divinity within me.

19. I am a sacred being.

20. With each exhale, I release my limiting beliefs.

21. All is well in my world.

22. I have total faith in the universe.

23. I celebrate my spirit.

24. Deep inner peace is my birthright.

25. Pure white light heals my mind, body, and spirit.

26. I let go of the need to control my life.

27. Everything happens in divine timing.

28. I exist alongside the universe.

29. I am guided by my internal wisdom.

30. I have total mental clarity.

31. I easily find the answers I seek.

32. My body is the vessel for my beautiful soul.

33. My spirit is radiant and aligned.

34. I can do anything I set my heart on.

35. I am limitless.

36. I am free of all negative emotions holding me back.

37. I nurture my spirit on a deep, soul level.

38. I remain optimistic when times are dark.

39. I understand my life purpose to its core.

40. The world is my greatest teacher.

41. I have a strong spiritual connection to my higher power.

42. My inner wisdom guides me through my life.

43. My spirituality is awakening more and more every day.

44. I embrace my psychic abilities wholeheartedly.

45. I fully embody my spiritual gifts.

46. I am the source of knowledge and pure life force.

47. Every day, I tap into my insight and inner wisdom.

48. I channel clear messages from my guides.

49. I open my mind to my deepest knowing.

50. My inner wisdom speaks to me loud and clear.

51. I confidently embrace the spiritual realm.

52. With every breath, I deepen my spiritual connection.

53. My soul expands the more I deepen my psychic abilities.

54. I see past all illusions trying to throw me off course.

55. I release all negative attachments blocking me.

56. Every day, I go beyond my limiting beliefs.

57. I am fully awakened to all my senses.

58. My core is bright and beautiful.

59. I am one with all beings.

60. I know and understand that all beings are equal.

61. I let go of all feelings of supremacy.

62. I use my spiritual gifts for the greatest good.

63. I radiate inner wisdom.

64. All the answers are already within me.

65. The universe speaks to me through my intuition.

66. I am connected to all.

67. My soul is infinite.

68. I embrace my purpose here on Earth.

69. The universe has excellent things in store for me.

70. I have unlimited possibilities available to me.

71. With each passing day, I am becoming more of my highest self.

72. I am enlightened, whole, and positive.

73. I have unfaltering faith in myself and the universe.

74. I accept all that comes into my life with trust.

75. I am always safe and taken care of.

76. I am completely protected by the universe.

77. Life is the gift that keeps on giving.

78. I am grateful for my soul to live in this body.

79. I vibrate at the frequency of light and love.

80. I am the highest version of myself.

81. I am exactly where I am meant to be.

82. With every experience I have, I gain valuable wisdom.

83. I allow the universe to guide me.

84. I trust my intuition and inner knowing.

85. Every time I honor my intuition, my life runs much more smoothly.

86. I am a magnet for psychic abilities.

87. Each morning is started with a burst of knowledge.

88. I consistently see and acknowledge my life purpose.

89. I am filled with vibrance and color when my intuition shines.

90. My highest good is always unfolding.

91. I have a strong connection with my highest self.

92. I am blessed to receive all the insight from the universe.

93. My soul is boundless.

94. I am spiritually awake.

95. I understand the connection I have to the universe.

96. I live in harmony with all of creation.

97. I believe these crown chakra affirmations are making huge changes in my life.

98. With every inhale, my faith in the universe grows and grows.

99. The energy of my crown chakra is thoroughly balanced.

100. My crown chakra is open and activated.

101. Today, and every day, the universe’s light shines through me.


Now that you have read these 101 crown chakra affirmations, let’s see how you can correctly apply them. ⤵️

1. Let go of negative affirmations

When your crown chakra is blocked, you most likely say things that are hurtful and untrue to yourself.

Have you said things like:

🚫 I don’t know what to do.

🚫 I feel so disconnected.

🚫 I have no faith in myself.

Not only are these negative statements completely untrue, but these statements also block your crown chakra the more you think and speak them.

This means they are incredibly harmful to your spirituality, your life purpose, and your connection with the universe.

So as soon as you catch yourself thinking these negative thoughts, pause and stop yourself.

Letting go of negative affirmations (aka negative self-talk) might be the most important step in learning to use affirmations correctly.

2. Replace with nothing

Yeah, you heard me correctly.

Just pause and stop.

When your crown chakra is blocked and imbalanced, you might feel like completely disconnected from yourself and the world.

This might make stopping negative self-talk more difficult than you imagined.

But try your best at getting comfortable with not giving negative words your power.

3. Incorporate positive affirmations

Now’s the time to start saying positive affirmations…

I personally love saying them out loud to crown chakra frequency (963Hz).

Take note: The best positive affirmations are always in the present tense, include positive words, and are spoken as a fact and the truth.

The most powerful affirmations are the ones that turn your negative thoughts into positive ones. 

Using the examples above, start saying:

🏆 I always know what to do.

🏆 I am connected to all.

🏆 I have total faith in myself and the universe.

(If this is still too difficult for you, try saying something like, “I am open to believing these affirmations“.)

And now…

4. Repeat the process

Using these healing crown chakra affirmations correctly takes practice and dedication.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to say these affirmations once and feel drastically more aligned and balanced.

In fact, the first couple of times you speak them, you might even feel defeated and annoyed.

(Remember, try saying “I’m open to believing these affirmations” if they seem too out of reach.)

But keep at it.

Keep letting go of negative affirmations, getting comfortable with the silence, and then incorporating positive affirmations.

Positive Affirmations to Heal Your Crown Chakra

If you’re still unsure about affirmations, really try to open your mind.

Dedicate the time to really believe in them and their power.

Because these crown chakra affirmations can be incredibly transformative.

Signs of an open and balanced crown chakra:

⭐ Increased spirituality
⭐ Feeling connected to all 
⭐ Higher knowing
⭐ Powerful meditation
⭐ Psychic abilities
⭐ Good sense of humanity
⭐ Heightened intuition

To get the most out of these crown chakra affirmations, I highly recommend saying them both morning and night for 21 days straight.

That’s when you’ll really start to see a difference in your faith in yourself and the universe!

💾 Bookmark this page for when you need a reminder to strengthen your intuition, your spirituality, and your feeling of connection to all beings

Affirmations for the chakras:

More posts involving chakra work:

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Healing Crown Chakra Affirmations